ALL RECIPES » Key Lime Ice Cream

Key Lime Ice Cream Recipe - Blue Chair Bay®

Key Lime Ice Cream

  1. In a medium bowl, using a handheld mixer, whip the 1 pint of whipping cream until you have created soft peaks.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the sweetened condensed milk, Blue Chair Bay Key Lime Rum Cream, whipped cream cheese and lime juice until fully incorporated. You can mix this for a little extra time to get it fluffier.
  3. Add the rum mix to the whipped cream, and fold together using a rubber spatula.
  4. Place the 6 graham crackers in a plastic bag, and roughly crush so some pieces remain (you want more than just crumbs so don't go crazy here).
  5. Add the crushed graham cracker to the ice cream mix, and fold them together until graham is evenly throughout.
  6. Pour ice cream mixture into a freezable container. Cover with parchment paper, pressing it into the top of the ice cream. Cover and freeze overnight.
  7. Scoop out and serve!
BONUS: for added flavor and enjoyment, pour Blue Chair Bay Key Lime Rum Cream over your ice cream when you serve. Cheers!

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Reasons: Dessert, Food
Ingredients: Lime
Flavors: Key Lime Rum Cream